Download free whitepapers & peer-reviewed publications
Whitepapers & Application notes 
- ‘PhaSR-DLS’: a new advancement in Spatially Resolved DLS for enhanced inline and off-line nanoparticle sizing
- How do results from different dynamic light scattering instruments compare?
- How can you measure particle size CQAs in (sterile) pharmaceutical packaging?
- Real-time droplet size monitoring of nanoemulsions during high pressure homogenization
- Continuous Inline Size Analysis of Low Turbidity NANOSuspensions under Flow in Biopharmaceutical Processes
- Continuous Size Monitoring of Turbid Titanium Dioxide Nanosuspensions with the Nanoflowsizer
- Inline Particle Sizing in Flow for Demanding Nanosuspension Processes
- Lipid-Based Nanoparticles: Manufacturing and inline size Characterization
- The Need for Realtime Particle Size Analysis
- Continuous Processing and Enhanced Control of Lipid-Based Nanoparticles: LNPs and Liposomes
- Product profile NanoFlowSizer
- SR-DLS: Spatially Resolved Dynamic Light Scattering
- XsperGo Software
- ‘PhaSR-DLS’: a new advancement in Spatially Resolved DLS – Product factsheet
- Combining strengths in Continuous Manufacturing

Peer-reviewed publications 
- New unique PAT method and instrument for real-time inline size characterization of concentrated, flowing nanosuspensions
- Development of a compounded propofol nanoemulsion using multiple non-invasive process analytical technologies – T. Rooimans et al.
- Liposome manufacturing under continuous flow conditions: towards a fully integrated set-up with in-line control of critical quality attributes – M. Sheybanifard et al.

Conference presentations 
- ECIS 2022 “Spatially Resolved Dynamic Light Scattering: characterizing colloids over unprecedented ranges of turbidity and flow”.
Dr. Rut Besseling - British Soc. Rheology 2022 “SR-DLS for inline nano-emulsion analysis during processing”.
Dr. Rut Besseling - IFPAC 2022: “Inline size analysis and process control for nanosuspension processing”.
Dr. Rut Besseling