Unique solutions in Process Analytical Technology

Anniversary Seminar
We are excited to invite you to a landmark event in our company’s history, the…
InProcess-LSP participation in the EU funded Industrial Training Network ‘CoCoGel’
Are you passionate about cutting-edge research in material science? Here’s your chance to dive into…
InProcess-LSP selected for the KvK Top100 innovation award 2023
Fantastic News! 🌟 InProcess-LSP was nominated and secured the 21st position in the KVK Top…
Key Application for the NanoFlowSizer
The NanoFlowSizer
Your benefits
- The only TRUE PAT tool for inline measurements
- Particle size distribution in flow
- No sampling or dilution
- NON-invasive
- Ideal for sterile processes
- Fast and continuous, data every 10 sec
- Flexible for many applications and scales

Where can you meet us?
Creates significant cost savings for your process
Core strengths
- Specialists in nanoparticle size analysis
- Creators of the NanoFlowSizer technology
- Extensive expertise in Process Analytical Technology (PAT)
- Innovative company with streamlined communication channels
- Robust background in process optimization and product development

Taking your process forward