Download PhaSR whitepaper PDF

In this whitepaper we discuss a new measurement mode, PhaSR-DLS, which supplements SR-DLS with Phase sensitive detection. This gives fundamental and significant enhancements in the sensitivity and operational range of SR-DLS by direct access to the ‘Field Correlation Function’.

Spatially Resolved Dynamic Light Scattering (SR-DLS) revolutionizes nanoparticle size characterization. The groundbreaking PhaSR-DLS mode supercharges SR-DLS with phase-sensitive detection, massively boosting sensitivity and range.

Witness astonishingly precise nanoparticle measurements and real-time monitoring of Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) protein solution aggregation. This is the future of nanotechnology—unmatched precision and reliability.


  • Extended application range: At least 20x reduction in lowest accessible concentrations
  • Significantly reduced noise: Enhanced Particle Size Distribution (PSD) accuracy and precision
  • Higher sensitivity: Ability to characterize weak scattering samples such as proteins
  • No number fluctuations: Aggregates and large particles become more accessible

Up to millions is lost per year due to the absence of appropriate

particle size monitoring solutions…