New unique PAT method and instrument for real-time inline size characterization of concentrated, flowing nanosuspensions
With the rise of nanotherapeutics -and nano-based products in general-, there has been an increasing need for better understanding and control of nano-particle (NP) synthesis and formulation processes. Size characteristics are often primary, if not critical, quality attributes of nanodispersions. Therefore, Process Analytical Technology (PAT) tools for inline size characterization during dispersion processing are highly desired. Traditional methods for NP sizing -based on Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) – are typically ill-suited for direct inline application: (I) typical dispersion turbidities in process conditions often exceed by far the application limits for DLS (ii) agitation/flow typical for process conditions is incompatible with standard DLS and (iii) direct and convenient inline application requires a non-invasive PAT tool giving measurements on process relevant time scales.
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Scientific publication: New PAT method

Up to millions is lost per year due to the absence of appropriate
particle size monitoring solutions…